300 AAC BLACKOUT AR-15 Project

300 AAC BLACKOUT - "Build an ar 15 from parts"
This is a fun and simple project. The 300 AAC BLACKOUT utilizes 100 percent mil spec M4, AR-15 parts except for one. That one part is the barrel. All other parts are the same including the magazine and bolt carrier.
Why build a weapon chambered in 300 AAC BLACKOUT? I thought that question interesting enough to post it for the masses at 308ar.com's 300 AAC BLACKOUT forum.
Most folks start out interested in the 300 AAC BLACKOUT for it's subsonic suppressed capabilities or it's ability to fire a 7.62 projectile from a 5.56 platform weapon. However many are coming to the realization that with proper ammo it is also a potent 200 yard hunting round for deer and boar. In fact many localities in the east specify a 30 caliber minimum for deer hunting.
I have every expectation that 300 AAC BLACKOUT is here to stay.
Note: Clicking the titles below will either take you to the manufacturers site or the place of purchase. In most cases clicking the images will open full size versions in a new window.

