

Learning to be Prepared

Note: This page will take a long time to complete as I read up and get educated on the subject as well as browse forums for common sense advice.

As mentioned on the home page the devastation in Japan has really driven home the message to me that one MUST BE PREPARED FOR DISASTER. The US government has a horrible track record in handling natural or man made disasters and have proved time after time that disasters will result in extended periods where citizens must fend for themselves. On this page I'm going to plug along and post about what I plan to do for myself and love ones in the event of disaster. I will admit though there are tough choices depending on what you want to prepare for. By this I mean how long and what type of disaster scenario do you prepare for? Is it two weeks of no food and water or an apocalypse? My current line of thinking is 60 days. 30 days of supplies for myself and loved ones and an equal amount to help those who undoubtedly will show up unprepared. Unfortunately you cant plan for every scenario and below I will list several questions to ask yourself.

  1. How many people do you need to plan for and what is their status? Kids? Elderly? any medical conditions?
  2. How much money can you afford to tie up in supplies you may never need?
  3. Do you have pets?
  4. How much storage space do you have available to you?
  5. Where will you store the supplies?


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  • First Aid
  • Medical


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  • MRE
  • ipsum


Water is without a doubt the most important item to have on hand. Without clean drinking water you will die. There's several different ways to handle water but I think first and foremost is to get water packages meant to be stored and used in emergency situations. Filters and tablets aren't much use in radioactive water filled with decaying bodies. Not to say you shouldn't supplement your water supply with those tools, in fact I encourage them as last resort options.

  • Emergency Drinking Water
  • Disposable Water Filters
  • Water purification Tablets


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  • Ipsum


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  • Ipsum


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  • Para Cord
  • Tarps
  • Batteries - Lots of them
  • Cooking Fuel


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  • Batteries
  • Candles
  • Generator


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